
17 apartments, largely organised as two storey units, form the structure of the building. The high density of the living spaces, resulting from the urban design complexity of the property being on the corner of a city block, is compensated for by generous communal spaces for use by all inhabitants. The ground floor is kept transparent and free for the communal spaces: children’s play space, workshop, hobby room,… - complemented by a planted roof garden accessible to all residents.

Each apartment has its own green space, which interlocks spatially with the living area. The vertical gardens, covering the façade like a green dress, help to naturally regulate the climate. Internally, a high level of apartment variety is possible; resulting in maximum adaptability to changing living requirements.


Vertikal-Gartenhaus Alxingergasse
1100 Vienna, Alxingergasse / Hardtmuthgasse

Genossenschaft Neues Leben

Staff members Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Wolfgang Kralovics, Thomas Wirsing, Robert Sturm, Christoph Stabel

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler

Manfred Seidl

Structural Engineering
Ewald Pachler

Building Services

Ernst Haustechnik GesmbH & Co KG

Building Physics
Hans J. Dworak

Subsidised Net. Floor Area of apartments
1,400 m²
