Asfinag maintenance depot Stockerau - Lower Austria

Beginning with the layout of the plot the positioning of the buildings enables an
optimal functional use.
The simple constructive system of both - the factory building and the hall and storage area, allows a flexible use and subsequent function adaptations. Compact operation procedures are enabled due to the clear separation between external traffic (visitors, private cars, delivery service and disposal) and internal traffic.
The constructive system, consisting of precast reinforced concrete elements, creates a uniform base structure for the flying roof area. The halls are integrated into the flying roof area according to the functional procedures.
Cold, temperate and warm areas are combined and optimize this way the energy balance. Standardized extension elements together with the base structure generate a task adapted as well as a distinctive appearance.
The location of the factory and the administration building enables the unbundling of the traffic streams. Separate entries segregate the internal and the external passenger traffic according to the functions. The order of the
"dirt" and "clean" areas allows short path connections and optimal funktion procedures. The location of premises of the maintainer and the main supervisor enables a generous view to the factory building. The constructive setup of the building offers high flexibility in the construction and slight alterability. The buildings of the maintenance depot create an urban ensemble with high functionality. They are a new, qualitative component of the urban framework of


Maintenance depot Stockerau
2000 Stockerau

Open anonymous competition 2012



Staff members Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Jakub Smagacz, Daniel Schwartz, Roland Radda, Zuzana Nágelová

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler