Pfarre Tattendorf - Lower Austria
The presbytery is the location of the liturgy. The altar, as its centre, lies on the central axis between high altar and congregation. The sessio – the seat of the priest – fits itself considerately into the presbytery, to the side of the main altar. Seating for acolytes surrounds the presbytery. The ambo is orientated to the congregation. Through the coordination of materials and the formal language of altar and ambo the dialogue between the two locations of the liturgy is accentuated.
The altar takes on the geometry of the presbytery and connects tabernacle with the nave of the church. Together with the stipes of the altar, the mensa is orientated towards the congregation. The selected materials, and their treatment, give the altar dignity and elegance.
The form of the ambo is reminiscent of an open book – the Book of the Gospels – from which the word of God is read. The Book of the Gospels fits harmoniously into the shape of the ambo. After the reading of the Gospel the ambo offers a way to display the Book of the Gospels to the congregation.
The sessio is orientated towards the congregation easily seen from all seats. The asymmetrical position of the cushion on its white base subtly highlights the seat of the priest.
The design of the candlesticks and processional cross were also part of the competition. A thin steel rod carries a plate on which the candle is positioned. The fineness of the construction puts the candle and the light it gives off in the foreground.
Fixed with spacers to a round, easily carry-able rod sits a simple cross of steel flats. The materiality and form of the cross matches that of the altar.
Redesign of the Presbytery - Kirche Tattendorf
2523 Tattendorf, Kirchengasse 11
Competition 2011
R.K.Pfarre Tattendorf
Stift Klosterneuburg / Pfarre Heiligenstadt
Staff members Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Sigrid Krendl, Roland Radda
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler