Security Center Meidling

The urban planning of the Vienna Security Center primarily responds to the urban structure and topography of the surrounding area. In the core zone of the property, there is a lower-level green sunken garden. Due to its intense greenery and preserved tree population, it functions as a "new forest" or a green lung in the midst of the surrounding development. The building masses within it are therefore staggered in height, appearing more moderate in their vertical development.


Urban and functional reasons for the central sunken garden:

-Natural barrier and protection for the core zone buildings

-Mitigation of height development of core zone building masses

-Ecological quality of the sunken garden regarding microclimate


The topography of the area is significantly determined by lowering the core zone. Due to functionality and high security requirements, a topography is created within the core zone that forms natural barriers through various height variations and depressions.

In the peripheral zones of the property, urban planning requirements are taken into account. The design responds to the immediate neighborhood development with a moderate vertical development of the projected buildings along this zone.

Lowering the structures in the core zone results in the entire area appearing more subdued in its urban height development. Simultaneously, by lowering and compacting the structures, the maximum amount of open space and green areas can be generated, positively influencing the microclimate and bioclimate.


The building structures are arranged in staggered heights based on the security distance requirements. The arrangement of the buildings creates porosity, positively influencing the local air exchange between the central green area of the sunken garden and the small-scale green areas in the neighboring environment.

All components with significant volumes, such as mass storage and sports halls/facilities, are located underground. Natural lighting is facilitated through directly or specially designed adjacent green atria.

The goal of the architecture is to integrate the high security requirements of various building and usage typologies into a harmonious overall image through the architectural concept.


Security Center Meidling

1120 Vienna, Kaiserjägerstraße 8


EU-wide, double staged realisation - competition - 


Offer of a reward

ARE Austrian Real Estate GmbH


Employees Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler

Barbara Bangerl, Roland Benesch, Vladimir Ivanov, Vivianna Schimmenti,

Lena Kainz, Romina Priesner, Michael Hadam

