Zoom Children’s Museum (Museumsquartier) - Refurbishment - Vienna
The transfer of the reception area, to one side of the foyer, allows the entrance hall to be optimally used. A seating landscape, with integrated coat-check and lockers, allows additional “play”-area. The tills are placed across from the entrance and can be closed off with a flap. The arrangement of the till and information areas separates the staff circulation routes from those of visitors.
The “Lesbar” is accessible via a staircase integrated into the seating landscape. It can be easily overlooked from the reception area and offers an alternative entrance to the “Ozean.” In addition the “Ozean” can be expanded into the gallery by moving the fire door.
The new reception furniture, which contains 4 desk spaces (3 tills, 1 shift manager), is specifically design to meet user requirements. The existing info screens above the counter are to be adapted, and these are expanded through an integrated presentation screen along the dividing wall to the foyer. The existing, seven coat storage units are reworked and expanded by an additional 51 lockers. The “Forum” is rearranged and the existing platform modified. The alcoves serve as storage and can be expanded in future construction phases (depending on investment amount.) The remodelling of the “Blaue Pause” creates a comfortable atmosphere, as well as acoustic improvements.
Emphasis is given to achieving child friendly seating and play areas, and soft surfaces in the entire foyer area.
Redesign of the lobby - Zoom Children’s Museum
1070 Vienna, Museumsquartier - Museumsplatz 1
Invited competition 2006; 1st place
Verein interaktives Kindermuseum
Staff members Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Philipp Tscheuschler
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler
Net. Floor Area
430 m²