01/2025 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

12/2024 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 1 : Completion of the demolition work on the roof of Component 1
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol: Segment on Tirol Heute

On June 11, 2024, "Tirol heute" broadcast a segment titled "New Security Center of the Innsbruck Police" about the Tyrol Security Center.
Image source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f0/ORF_Tirol_Logo.svg/2560px-ORF_Tirol_Logo.svg.png (Retrieved on 01.07.2024)
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Components 2
© LPD Tirol - Lukas Kirchner
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol: First Partial Opening

From right to left: Regional Police Director Helmut Tomac, Mayor Johannes Anzengruber, Governor Anton Mattle, Federal Minister of the Interior Gerhard Karner, Regional Councilor Astrid Mair, ARE Managing Director Hans-Peter Weiss, Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz, and Markus Geiswinkler
© LPD Tirol – Stephan Huter
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Ground floor: Foyer
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Component 3: First floor
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Components 2 : Ground Floor, Main Entrance
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Component 3: Main Staircase
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Component 3: Main Staircase
06/2024 Security Center Tyrol

Component 6: Loading Yard
05/2024 ARE Office Building: Topping-Out Ceremony

On May 28, 2024, the topping-out ceremony for the sustainable ARE office building in Innsbruck took place.
10/2023 Presentationin Luxemburg

At the Center for Architecture in Luxembourg, Kinayeh and Markus Geiswinkler were invited to speak as part of a presentation on the topic of "National Strategy for Affordable Housing.
10/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 7 : Connecting Bridge
10/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 7 / Atrium: Facade Installation
09/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 7 : Bridge Assembly
08/2023 ARE Office Building: Start of Construction

In August 2023, the construction of the ARE office building in Tyrol commenced
07/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 5 / Loading Yard: Installation of exposed concrete surfaces
06/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 7: Bridge Detail
02/2023 Security Center Tyrol: Construction Status

Component 2 : Facade installation begins
12/2022 Security Center Tyrol topping-out

On December 7th 2022, the topping-out ceremony took place at the construction site of the Security Center Tyrol.
12/2022 The construction site Security Center Tyrol

Construction work on the Innsbruck Security Centre is progressing according to plan. The shell of the building has already been completed.
02/2022 Exhibition opening of Hot Questions - Cold Storage

Hot Questions - cold Storage, the new collection of 20th and 21st century Austrian architecture, opens on 2 February 2022. The office is represented at the collection with a model of the project "Am Hofgartel".
10/2021 The construction site Security Center Tyrol

The construction work is progressing rapidly, the shell for the basement is already being concreted.
07/2021 The TV report “Riesige Rohre durch Innsbruck“ at „Tirol heute”

In week 28, "Tirol heute" broadcast an article by the Tyrol Security Centre.
picture source: https://ibs.orf.at/tir?image=https%3A%2F%2Foekastatic.orf.at%2Fmojo%2F1_4_1%2Fstoryserver%2Foeka%2Fcommon%2Fimages%2Fog-fallback-tir.png%3Fs%3D3061f8472e32c1cd7d82f69f7bcb03aa89dcb859 (retrieved on 11.08.2021)
06/2021 The construction site Security Center Tyrol

The construction site of Security Center Tyrol is in full operation.
The construction started in May 2021.
04/2021 Presentation of the office building ARE Innsbruck

In Vienna, the office building was presented to the owners by ARE.
10/2020 Ground-breaking ceremony at Security Center Tyrol

From left: Mayor Georg Willi, Landeshauptmann Günter Platter, Secretary General Helmut Tomac, ARE CEO Hans-Peter Weiss and Landespolizeidirektor Edelbert Kohler.
© Foto Polizei Viehweider
10/2020 Building permit for the Security Center Tyrol

The building permit was sent 5 months after submission.
03/2020 Architektur Aktuell /Splendid Isolation #14

The project Wohnbau Hörbiger-Areal Bauteil Süd was presented.
11/2019 The Design Security Center Tyrol

On the 7. November 2019 the Design was presented to the client and users.
06/2019 Wiener Wohnbaupreis 2019 nomination

The housing project Hauptbahnhof/Sonnenwendviertel II was nominated for the Wiener Wohnbaupreis 2019.
05/2019 Austrian State award for Architecture and Sustainability - Nomination

The housing project Hörbiger has been shortlisted for the Austrian State award for Architecture and Sustainability.
2019 Lecture Series in Milan

At the Politecnico di Milano, the Institute for Architecture and Urban Design invited as part of the "Work Lecture - Marathon" Kinayeh and Markus Geiswinkler to talk about the topic - Housing and Urban Development Strategies.
An article about our housing project Hörbiger was published in "Die Presse" on May, 11th 2019

Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz was appointed to the Aspern Advisory Board from 2019 - 2021

The housing project Hörbiger has been shortlisted for the Austrian State award for Architecture and Sustainability.
Completion Residential House Hörbiger

In the winter of this year, the completion of the housing development in the 11th district of Vienna Hörbiger took place.
03/2018 Turn On - Festival of Architecture

The annual architecture festival Turn_On took place from the 8th to the 10th of March, where Kinayeh and Markus Geiswinkler gave a talk about the two housing projects Hauptbahnhof II and Hörbiger.
03/2018 Security Center Tyrol - 1st Price

winning project of an EU-wide, 2-stage, open competition
10/2017 Austrian State award for Architecture and Sustainability - Nomination

nominated Project: SMART Wohnen - Sonnwendviertel II, Wien-Favoriten
from left to right:
Bundesminister Andrä Rupprechter, Richard Woschitz (Woschitz Group GmbH), Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz und Markus Geiswinkler (Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler - Architekten), Maria Auböck (Auböck + Kárász Landschaftsarchitekten), Hermann Koller (HEIMBAU Gemeinnützige Bau-Wohnungs- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft) und Prof. Roland Gnaiger.
- Source: BMNT/APA-Fotoservice
- Fotographer: Jan Hetfleisch
10/2017 Congratulations to Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz for winning the Austrian real-estate Award "Cäsar"

09/2017 -Bauherrenpreis 17 - Nomination

"SMART-housing Hauptbahnhof/Sonnwendviertel II" is nominated for the Bauherrenpreis 2017 award.
08/2017 - Austrian award for Architecture and Sustainability

"SMART-housing Hauptbahnhof/Sonnwendviertel II" is nominated for the Austrian award for Architecture and Sustainability
07/2017 - Best Architects 18 Award

Our project "SMART-housing Hauptbahnhof/Sonnwendviertel II" received the "best architects 18" award.
06/2017 -" Wohnenplus"

The Austrian magazine „Wohnenplus“- issue 2/2017 featured two of our projects:
Graz Reininghaus Quartier 3 & SMART-housing Vienna Central Station/Sonnwendviertel II
04/2017 - The Austrian Chamber for Architects curates an exhibition at the Landhaus II / Innsbruck 10.April-03.Mai 2017

02/2017 - The Austrian Chamber for Architects curates an exhibition at the Palais Epstein in Vienna 09.-23.February 2017
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler Architects are presenting the project : Visitors' Centre in the Parliament of the Republic of Austria
11/2016 - Architektur Aktuell Nr.440 /Housing & the City

"Housing is of primary importance" - Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler, interviewed by Franziska Leeb & Isabella Marboe, talk about current und past projects. ( P.90-103)
11/2016 - H.O.M.E Austria / An Interview with Kinayeh and Markus Geiswinkler

10/2016 - SO! lives Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz

The austrian magazine "SO! PLANEN/BAUEN/LEBEN" #03/2016 published an article about Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz on the theme living & working.
10/2016 - Bauherrenpreis Nomination

Together with our clients from "Genossenschaft Neues Leben" we have been nominated for the "Bauherrenpreis 2016" with the project Eisentorgasse in Mödling (lower Austria).
07/2016 - The Vienna Model. Housing for the Twenty-first-Century City
"The Vienna Model. Housing for the Twenty-first-Century City" is the title of a book(Editors Wolfgang Förster & Williem Menking) presenting 60 outstanding housing projects from the past 100 years. Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler Architects contributed with the following projects:
SMART-living - Housing at Viennas Central Station/ Sonnwendviertel II, 2016
Global Park/ Mautner-Markhof-Gründe, 2014
Karree St.Marx, Building E, 2010
07/2016 - „STADTDIALOG: Update Reininghaus“

Presentation of our project "Graz Reininghaus Quartier 3" at the House of Architecture Graz.
01/2016 - Invited Competition-Residential Highrise J5A 'Seestadt Aspern' Vienna - 2nd prize

02/2016 - The Vienna Model - Housing for the Twenty-first-Century City

"The exhibition highlights the extraordinary achievements of the City of Vienna in the field of housing in the past fifteen years. The many new housing projects spread across the capital are unique examples of trailblazing architecture, urban habitation, neigborhood revitalization and the creation of new communities...based on the historic legacy of "Red Vienna" they present dynamic new possibilities, prototypes, and advances in housing..." (Wolfgang Förster, William Menking / Curators)
The exhibition takes place : Vienna - IBA Kick-off Symposium, February 2016 & Berlin - Aedes Galery , June 2016
Three projects of Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler are being presented:
SMART-Living - Vienna Central Station/ Sonnwendviertel II, 2016
Global Park/ Mautner-Markhof-Gründe, 2014
Karree St.Marx, part E, 2010
02/2016 -International building exhibition / IBA

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler Architects are part of the international building-exhibition (IBA). We are contributing with the social housing project SMART-Living - Vienna Central Station/ Sonnwendviertel II (completion, summer 2016).
12/2015 - Publication - Architekturjournal Wettbewerbe
Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz & Markus Geiswinkler were portrayed in the edition 329; 6/2015 of the magazine "Architektur Wettbewerbe"
10/2015 - Invited Competition, Housing U2 Aspern - 2nd prize

Round table discussion of the Austrian Chamber of Architects

Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz took part at the round table discussion of the Austrian Chamber of Architects on 25-11-2015 in Innsbruck. This years topic was about how to improve the architectural quality within architectural competitions in Austria.
09/2015 - Invited Competition-Residential Highrise 'Seestadt Aspern' Vienna - 2nd prize

08/2015 - Competition Qartier 3 Graz Reininghaus - 1st prize

'Bauherrenpreis 2015' - Nomination

The Project 'Mautner Markhof Gründe' by Geiswinkler&Geiswinkler Architects in cooperation with their client BWSG has been nominated for the 'Bauherrenpreis 2015'.
More information: www.zv-architekten.at
Discussion about the role of builders in subsidzed housing on 08.01.2015 in the Ring Tower

An article about our appartement house in Mödling was published in "Die Presse" on November, 29th 2014

Grand opening of the extension of the Conference Center Schönbrunn on October, 23rd 2014

Social living at Mautner Markhof Gründe - published in architektur.aktuell 11/2014

Groundbreaking ceremony on October, 10th 2014 for the first SMART-Living-Project in Vienna (Hauptbahnhof II)

The extension of the Conference Centre at Schönbrunn in Vienna was completed by the end of July 2014

Our project Mautner Markhof Gründe in Vienna was completed by the end of June 2014

Our project Eisentorgasse in Mödling was completed by the end of May 2014

The Visitors' Center of the Austrian Parliament was presented in the Austrian pavillon as part of the 14th Architecture Biennale in Venice

Kinayeh Geiswinkler-Aziz is a visiting professor at the Institute of Architecture and Design/ Department of Housing Construction and Design at UT Vienna

Book "Wien plus Vienna - Aspect: Architecture + Energy" published

2 of our projects are included in the new publication of the MA 20 - energyplanning:
Karrée St. Marx (building E) and the Garden Housing Estate Am Hofgartel
The publication can be found online: pdf format.
Turn On 2014 - Festival of Architecture

Friday, March, 7th, 10:00 a.m., ORF RadioKulturhaus, Vienna
Markus Geiswinkler talked with Peter Roitner, chairman of "Heimbau", at the "Turn On Festival" about SMART-housing and presented our project "Hauptbahnhof II".
Information on "Turn On 2014" can be found here.
06/2013 - ÖAMTC Headquarters Vienna - 2nd prize

Presentation of the first SMART-apartments by municipal councilor Michael Ludwig

On 24. October 2012 at a pressconference municipal councilor Michael Ludwig presented the very first SMART-apartments by Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler in the new "Sonnwendviertel"-district in Vienna.
"The qualities of the SMART-apartments lie in the suitability for daily use by offering low costs in equity capital and rent at the same time. The apartments are arranged compactly, but guarantee a generous living experience. Variations of the size of the rooms, as well as their furnishing and the private balcony enable additional individual space and ensure a higher value for the residents."
The completion of the project (together with our property developer Heimbau) is planned for November 2015.
Additional information on www.smartwohnenwien.at.
09/2012 - Winner of a housing development competition Hauptbahnhof II. Developer: Heimbau - 1. prize

Architectural collection - "The Gold of AzW"

In the collection "The Gold of AzW" Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler are represented with the garden housing estate "Am Hofgartel".
Opening of the exhibition: March, 27th 2013, 7 p.m.
Exhibition: March, 28th - July, 8th, at the AzW in Vienna
Redesign of the Presbytery - Church St. Michael in Heiligenstadt - published in architektur.aktuell 12/2011

“Bauherrenpreis 2011” – Nomination

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler – Architekten, together with their developer client Sozialbau AG, was nominated for the “Bauherrenpreis 2011” for the project Karrée St. Marx.
More information: www.zv-architekten.at
Karrée St. Marx – published in architektur.aktuell 7-8/2011

Mautner Markhof Gründe - Publication in the magazine Perspektiven 2-3/2011

03/2011 - Winner of an invited competition of a housing development in Eisentorgasse in Mödling. Developer: Neues Leben

Turn On Architecture Festival

Like every year on the 11th and 12th of March 2011 prestigious architectural offices were invited by festival director Margit Ulama to the Vienna Radiokulturhaus to present their current projects. The range of topics reached from housing, transport, culture and education, to landscape architecture.
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler presented their recently completed housing development Karrée St. Marx on Saturday 12 March 2011.
More information: www.nextroom.at/turn-on_11.
Wien Reloaded

The exhibition "„wien 3 <neu> update 10" was opened on Tuesday, 30 November, 2010 by Wohnbaustadtrat Dr Michael Ludwig and Bezirksvorsteher Erich Hohenberger in the Gebietsbetreuung Stadterneuerung in 3rd District and was open for visitors until the 31th of January 2011.
Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler - Architekten was represented by their project Karrée St. Marx - Viehmarktgasse.
Best Architects Award

Geiswinkler & Geiswinkler - Architects received the "best architects 11" award for two of their projects - the vertical garden house Alxingergasse and the Visitor Centre for the Austrian Parliament.
The publication to the annual Architecture Award in Germany, Austria and Switzerland has been released. At 332 pages, the 69 winning projects are presented in detail on two double page spreads each. With over 235 colour photographs and 382 drawings and plans the elaborately produced book provides an impressive overview of the excellent works.
"With over 300 entries the best architects 11 award has been more successful than ever before. Its incentive is the independence, the steady, if not steadily increasing quality of submissions and the documentation of the results in an attractively designed book. "
Prof. Julia Bolles-Wilson | Jury • best architects 11
The book is available in book stores or directly from the website www.bestarchitects.de